March 8

10:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Sacred Art Center

The Museu Carlos Machado and the Crafts and Design Center of the Azores invites you to the workshop "The Charm of Scales in Floral Art", led by sculptor Isabel Silva Melo, on March 8, from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM, at the Sacred Art Center.

This activity explores the application of fish scales in the creation of delicate floral pieces, a unique artisan technique that blends tradition and innovation.

Isabel Silva Melo brings together two traditional Azorean crafts in her work: Lapinha nativity scenes and the art of fish scales. Her training and passion for art have led her to develop unique compositions in both fields. Her fish scale creations stand out for their ornamental flowers and contemporary jewelry pieces.

Spots are limited, and registrations must be made by March 7: 296 20 29 30 or [email protected]

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